Cameron criticises police for not protecting Tory HQ against students
Mr Cameron said he agreed that police had lessons to learn on how they handled the protest.
“I thought it was extremely serious. I could see a line –a thin blue line- of extremely brave police officers trying to hold back a bunch of people who were intent on violence and destruction.
"As the police themselves have said, there weren't enough of them and the police response needs to reflect that," he said.
"So I'm very glad that the Metropolitan Police Commissioner has said what he said and I think we need to learn the lessons very rapidly." Peter Smyth, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, rejected Sir Paul's comments, saying: "Once again, Metropolitan Police officers stand between violent protesters, innocent members of the public and property while under attack and facing extreme provocation.
"The officers have shown great restraint and professionalism. It is a reminder that the Government must maintain the number of fully warranted police officers to ensure that policing these spontaneous incidents, along with their every day duties, can be sustained in the capital.
"While we understand and support the right to peaceful protest, police officers must be supported when dealing with such unprovoked violence."
The demonstration, organised by the National Union of Students and the University and College Union, started peacefully, with up to 50,000 students, lecturers and supporters, marching from Whitehall past Downing Street and Parliament.
But around an hour after the protest started, violence flared at Millbank Tower, close to the Tate Britain art gallery where the march was due to end with a rally.
Hundreds of workers were evacuated from the building, which also houses other organisations including Government agencies, as windows were smashed and a fire was lit.
About 50 protesters got on to the roof, dropping a large metal fire extinguisher on to riot police. Water fire extinguishers were also let off from the roof and eggs were thrown.
Police officers formed a line across Millbank after clearing the forecourt area of the tower, which was left strewn with debris and ash. More than 200 officers remained at the scene in full riot gear, holding back a small group of noisy protesters.
Inside the severely damaged lobby of Millbank Tower, a group of around 25 protesters could be seen surrounded by police in fluorescent jackets.
Officers led them down from various floors of the the seven-storey building where they were found after running inside at the peak of the riot.
A thick line of riot police surrounded the remaining 25 or so students detained in the lobby of Millbank Tower.
The students, who had earlier been shouting as they stood feet from officers, fell largely silent but remained cheerful.
A young woman did her make-up just a few feet away from a uniformed riot officer.
Another held up a sign reading: "We are hostages to the police. We are fine but want pizza, lower uni fees."