Police close in on Assange the founder of WikiLeaks
JULIAN ASSANGE is at risk of being arrested in Britain and extradited to Sweden to face possible rape charges, at the same time as the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, adds her voice to an international call to prosecute WikiLeaks.
''I absolutely condemn the placement of this information on the WikiLeaks website. It's a grossly irresponsible thing to do and an illegal thing to do,'' Ms Gillard said.
The legal situation surrounding Mr Assange, the hacker who was born in Queensland and co-founded WikiLeaks, was still unclear last night, with reports that he was in a house in south-west England waiting for British police to arrest him.
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He was accused of the sexual assault of two Swedish women in Stockholm in August but has yet to be charged with any offence. Mr Assange, 39, has denied the charges.He was allowed to leave Sweden that month but last week the director of prosecutions, Marianne Ny, sought an international warrant to force him to return to Stockholm for questioning.
The move has been condemned by his British lawyers, who have labelled it political.
''Neither Mr Assange nor his lawyers have been provided any further information beyond that reported in the press. This appears to be a persecution and a prosecution,'' said his London lawyer, Mark Stephens.
On Monday WikiLeaks began a ''drip feed'' of 250,000 confidential US diplomatic cables leaked to the organisation this year.
In London a WikiLeaks spokesman, Kristinn Hrafnsson, challenged claims by the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, that WikiLeaks and Mr Assange were responsible for ''an attack on the international community''.
''There has been a lot of talk about legal actions taken against WikiLeaks and Julian, about how we have done something illegal, that we are criminals,'' he said.
''But we have not seen any reference to how we are supposed to have broken the law.''
The Australian Federal Police have been asked by the Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, to investigate the WikiLeaks matter
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