Between the covers of a princely romance
PRINCE WILLIAM'S romantic engagement to Kate Middleton is not the only reason Mount Kenya holds a special place in his heart, according to excerpts from a book about the royal couple to be published in New Idea tomorrow.
William and Kate, The Love Story, by British royalty reporter Robert Jobson, details the couple's shaky past and the significance of Mount Kenya as a romantic getaway for the prince and his ex-girlfriend, Jecca Craig.
''Jecca and William were said to be so close that in 2000 they performed a mock engagement ceremony on her parents' 22,500-hectare wildlife reserve at the foot of Mount Kenya,'' Jobson writes.
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William then returned there after a public stoush with Kate in 2004 that left him feeling claustrophobic and stale, although the prince did not pursue his romance with Jecca.Trying to act the part of a newly single party prince at this time, Jobson says, William responded to the couple's first official break-up with an over-the-top display of crass behaviour and unfeeling emotion.
Kate's reaction to the heartless behaviour was, writes Jobson, matter-of-fact and without tears. ''A well-placed source told me: 'She was cool and quite relaxed when she told everybody. She almost seemed relieved it was over and it was out'.''
After reuniting, then splitting again in 2007, the New Idea book excerpt tells, Wills and Kate appeared to be over for good … until a weekend at the home of close friends of the royal family reunited them.
''The body language said it all,'' a guest confided to Jobson. ''You got the impression that if we had not been there, they'd have been all over each other.
''The power of their love, like a magnet, had pulled them back together.''
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