
26-year-old billionaire founder of Facebook, named TIME person of the year

TIME magazine has named Mark Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old billionaire founder of Facebook, its Person of the Year.

"In less than seven years, Zuckerberg wired together a twelfth of humanity in a single network... It's a permanent fact of our global social reality. We have entered the Facebook age, and Mark Zuckerberg is the man who brought us here," TIME

Since the distinction began in 1927, the magazine chooses the person every year who "has done the most to change the news, for better or worse." It has also selected groups of people, devices, and famously, even You... representing a new population contributing content online.

Runners-up this year included the Tea Party, Julian Assange, Hamid Karzai and the 33 Chilean Miners.
Our question to you today: Is Mark Zuckerberg a good choice for TIME's Person of the Year?

Thank You for being our dear reader always despite many choices out there. Many thanks from Darey P.N.G (Chief Editor)eNews Nigeria.

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